We've been making fun of the Philly Ted's commercials for awhile now. The very purpose of commercials is to persuade the public to buy what you're selling however, the ads for Philly Ted's are so annoyingly kitschy they actually made most people we know do the opposite. (By the way: the ad on the web site is nothing like the ads they air on TV.) So this weekend when Mom and Dad were out (very graciously helping me with my landscaping projects) we stopped at the cheese-steak shop and had lunch. Most of the sandwiches were named after sports teams (mostly football, but it was nice to see the local teams getting some love too, GO RUSH!) and the signs hung on the walls mimicked the aforementioned kitsch with sayings like:
'Put on your big boys pants, otherwise they sell Happy Meals down the road'
'No shoes
No shirt
*No pants
No service
*it depends'
Surprisingly, it's the only place I have ever seen Cheese Whiz on the menu. Not having been to Philly myself, I'll just have to take their word for it and say "Just like Philly!" Besides being monstrous, they were pretty good.
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